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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Residents are invited to participate in a virtual public meeting Wednesday, June 9 to learn about the Platte Avenue Corridor Study and identify multi-modal transportation solutions along this six-mile corridor between I-25 and North Powers Boulevard.

The project team will share a project overview, milestones and schedule, and preview a map-based tool to collect input on existing conditions along Platte Avenue.

Register for the meeting

Platte Avenue is part of ConnectCOS, a citywide transportation study, and has been identified as a priority corridor for further analysis. Studying how our community uses Platte Avenue provides a valuable opportunity to improve how people travel by car, public transportation, foot or bike in and around the corridor.

During this yearlong project, the City will collect data to better understand the current conditions of what was once a state highway, as well as analyze future travel demands and expected land uses along this corridor. In addition to evaluating the various transportation modes currently being used along Platte Avenue, the study will recommend improvements in each of corridor’s distinct neighborhoods as it serves as a vital east/west connector for those who live, work and enjoy our community.

To learn more about the project, the upcoming community meeting and how to get involved in shaping the future of Platte Avenue visit

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