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On February 21, 2023 at 7:04 pm, the Colorado Springs Police Department responded to the parking lot of a convenience store located in the 3900 block of Palmer Park Boulevard. The initial investigation has identified that the shooting was the result of an agreed-upon confrontation between two groups. There were two adults and three juveniles who sustained serious but non-life-threatening gunshot wounds because of the immense number of rounds discharged during this incident. At least one of those shot was a bystander who was not involved with the confrontation. All five individuals were transported to local hospitals.

Detectives from the Assault Unit responded to the scene and assumed responsibility for this investigation. They are being supported by Detectives from the Armed Violent Offender Unit. This is still an active investigation and anyone with information or who is a witness to this investigation is asked to call the Colorado Springs Police Department at (719) 444-7000; or if you wish to remain anonymous, you may call the Crime Stoppers Tip Line at (719) 634-STOP (7867) or 1-800-222-8477.

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