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The Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) is excited to announce a new partnership between CSPD, the Police Athletic/Activities League (PAL) of Colorado Springs, and Kangaroo Coffee. Beginning June 15, 2022, Kangaroo Coffee will be giving its customers the opportunity to donate to the PAL Boxing Program when they make purchases at any of the five Kangaroo Coffee locations in Colorado Springs. All donations will go to support providing equipment, transportation, or financial assistance for local youth involved in the PAL program.


About the PAL Organization:

The PAL organization is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that does not operate under the direct supervision of CSPD. However, a CSPD Officer sits on PAL’s Board of Directors to facilitate communication between PAL and CSPD.

PAL is focused on enhancing the relationship between CSPD and our community through athletics and mentoring. Through this program, CSPD officers provide coaching to kids in our community at Triple Threat Boxing Gym. The goal of PAL is to create a safe environment for local youth with a focus on building leadership traits, a strong work ethic, and resilient members of our community. It also allows for productive, non-enforcement interactions to take place between police and community members. Officers involved in this program are volunteering during their time off to coach and mentor local youth at the gym.


Thanks to Kangaroo Coffee:

The PAL Executive Director, Coach Charles Leverette, expressed his sincere gratitude for Kangaroo Coffee starting this fundraiser, stating, “We never turn kids away, but the only way we will be able to reach more kids in this city is through donations and community support. Kangaroo Coffee has stepped up, they put the gloves on, got in the ring and are ready to get to work right alongside us.” 

The CSPD PAL Officer in Charge, Officer Adam Menter, also recognized the importance of Kangaroo Coffee’s involvement.  “We know times are tough for many of our community members, so giving people the chance to donate a dollar or two with their cup of coffee is a simple way for our city to show its support for this amazing and much-needed program”.


To Learn More:

Visit the PAL website here:    Media B-Roll:

Visit the Kangaroo Coffee website here:


Kangaroo Coffee locations:

434 West Fillmore Street

720 South 8th Street

3670 New Center Point

319 S. Hancock Avenue

1212 Motor City Drive

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