Join the Colorado Springs Police Department, El Paso County Sheriff's Office, the 4th Judicial District Attorney, and other community leaders for the Pikes Peak Regional Crime Stoppers Town Hall, Tuesday, January 24 at 5:30 p.m. Learn about crime rates in the Pikes Peak Region, how to prevent being a victim of crime, and steps you can take to keep everyone in our community safe. Attend in person at the DoubleTree Hotel (1775 E Cheyenne Mountain Blvd) or virtually on the
City's Facebook page or KOAA’s website.
Admission is free and open to the public.
- Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez
- El Paso County Sheriff Joe Roybal
- 4th District Attorney Michael Allen
- UCCS Criminology Professor John Caudill
- D-11 Superintendent Michael Gaal
- Diane Derby, KOAA, moderator
Submit a question for the panelists