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Mayor Yemi Mobolade released the following statement regarding the release of the annual Point In Time Count results for 2024 by the Pikes Peak Continuum of Care (PPCoC). The count showed 1,146 people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness, which represents 156 fewer people than in 2023 — a 12% reduction. The number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness was counted at 259, which is 115 fewer people than in 2023 — a 31% reduction.

“It is encouraging to see the results of the latest Point in Time count, which indicates the number of people experiencing homelessness in Colorado Springs has decreased over the last year. This is the second year in a row we’ve seen decreasing numbers, and I believe this is a testament to the effectiveness of our community’s collaborative efforts to address homelessness in our city. Despite these results, homelessness remains one of our enduring challenges. It is an issue that weighs heavily on our residents, business owners and our community.

Tackling issues like homelessness and public safety are community issues and they require community solutions. We are committed to investing in housing, supportive services and preventive solutions. We are funding additional enforcement and focusing on clean-up efforts. We also want to expand street outreach, along with advocating for the additional resources to sustain and grow the network of providers who we are actively working alongside to implement solutions.

We have a lot of work ahead of us, and, still, I am proud of the progress we have made so far. I am confident that through our collective impact we will achieve even more. Let’s continue to work together to create a city where homelessness is rare, brief, and nonrecurring.”

Here are key numbers and takeaways from the PPCoC 2024 Point In Time Count:

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