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The City of Colorado Springs recently received two federal grants in support of two key infrastructure projects.

“I am grateful to our federal partners and legislators for these two grants awarded to support key infrastructure projects here in Colorado Springs. These grants represent a significant investment in our community's future as we strive to build a safe, economically prosperous, culturally rich, and welcoming city,” said Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade. “One award enables us to study a future replacement project for the Academy Boulevard bridge over Platte Avenue. The second award will fund construction to launch a much-needed new interchange into Peterson Space Force Base off U.S. Highway 24. The City of Colorado Springs is a proud supporter of our military partners and installations, and securing this funding demonstrates our commitment to assisting Space Force’s vital mission in protecting the interests of the United States in space.”

U.S. Highway 24 / Peterson Road Interchange

  • City received $10.7 million grant from Defense Community Infrastructure Program
  • Project is $15.3 million total

Academy Boulevard Bridge over East Platte Avenue Replacement and Multimodal Improvements

  • City received grant of $750,000 from Bridge Investment Program from U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Matched with $750,000 from City’s Bridge Fund
  • Grant allows for study of possible future replacement
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