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Residents are invited to “Renter Rights 101”, a FREE online informational session Wednesday, Sept. 16. Participants will learn about a wide variety of topics such as lease basics, reasonable accommodations and modifications, deposits, repairs, eviction, and updates on recent Colorado legislation on housing matters. 

“Over 40 percent of the population rents in the Colorado Springs area. During this difficult time when housing is more critical than ever to health and safety, these workshops help educate both renters and landlords about their rights and responsibilities in their housing arrangements. Creating awareness can reduce evictions, increase housing stability, and prevent housing discrimination,” said Catherine Duarte, Colorado Springs Community Development Division senior analyst.

What: Renter’s Rights 101. A Colorado Legal Services staff attorney will present the session content. Library and City staff will share local resources and materials available to all residents on housing issues.

When: Wednesday, Sept. 16, 6 - 8pm

Where: Online or on your phone!

How to join: On your laptop or mobile device at (Microsoft Teams meeting link) There is no need to download Microsoft Teams to participate.

Call in option (720) 617 3426, Conference ID: 177 699 830#.

Attendance is free, but space is limited. There is no reservation system to participate. City staff recommends joining the call up to five minutes before the session starts.

Closed captioning in English and Spanish is available.

The City of Colorado Springs Community Development has collaborated with Colorado Legal Services and Pikes Peak Library District for the last two years to present this information in an in-person format. However, the pandemic has brought the event online in a live virtual setting to educate residents on renting basics to promote housing stability and reduce evictions.

In addition to the City’s partnering organizations, these sessions are also made possible by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The primary purpose of CDBG funds is to serve low- and moderate-income residents who reside within the Colorado Springs city limits. The community development division also uses its CDBG funds to provide Fair Housing educational opportunities to the community, as part of its efforts to affirmatively further fair housing.

Colorado Legal Services is a non-profit organization helping low-income individuals and seniors in Colorado. The workshops will offer general information for tenants and cannot provide specific legal advice. Low-income residents or senior citizens facing a housing issue can contact Colorado Legal Services at (719) 471-0380 for legal assistance. The Pikes Peak Library District also provides an extensive list of legal resources for residents searching for forms, databases, legal help. All residents can access this by visiting  or by calling (719) 531-6333 ext. 6058.

Closed captioning in English and Spanish is available on the digital platform, Microsoft Teams. However, anyone requiring any other auxiliary aid or interpreter service to participate in this hearing should make the request as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event. To make this request, please contact community development staff at or 719-385-5912.

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