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The Colorado Springs-Fountain Brownfield Coalition will host a live virtual event* to share progress on using a Brownfield Assessment Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The grant helps to revitalize vacant and underused properties, or brownfields, primarily in Colorado Springs and Fountain along the Shooks Run Creek and Fountain Creek Corridors.

Register for the event

Funding is being used to identify brownfield sites for revitalization, assess existing site conditions and plan for future cleanup and reuse of priority sites throughout the project focus areas. The coalition overseeing the grant is comprised of the City of Colorado Springs, the City of Fountain, Colorado Springs School District 11 and Colorado Springs Utilities.

“Through our regional coalition efforts, this grant will help revitalize the Shooks Run and Fountain Creek corridors,” said Aaron Egbert, Senior Engineer with the City of Colorado Springs and project manager for the grant effort. “Assessment of sites and planning for cleanup are the first step toward improving the properties along our waterways and enhancing quality of life for our Colorado Springs and Fountain communities.”

During the first half of the meeting, the coalition will provide an overview of brownfield characteristics and the goals of the grant program. During the second half of the meeting, the coalition will share progress made so far, and future efforts related to ongoing brownfield revitalization. A question-and-answer session will follow.

Interested property owners and community members can register for the informational virtual meeting and submit questions to be answered during the meeting by clicking on the link at

*In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the City of Colorado Springs will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities. Should you require an auxiliary aid and/or service to participate in an upcoming meeting, please submit your request as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled monthly meeting. Captioning services are available for online meetings. Citizens may submit requests for accommodations by emailing, or contacting the Communications Office at 719-726-1421. Dial 711 or 800-659-3656 for Relay Colorado.

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